


In 2003 my wife and I purchased our first home situated on three wooded acres filled with lots of old Pin Oaks and many other smaller hardwood trees. A local nursery went out of business, and during the auction I bought a pot of every variety of Hosta available. They were all familiar varieties, including Frances Williams, Fortunei Hyacinthina, Royal Standard, Elegans. I thought I had quite the collection at the time, twenty-four in all! Over the next few years, I split what I had several times and had them growing all around the house.

In the years that followed, my kids Lucy and Logan were born. At five months old, Logan began having seizures, and our world changed quickly. We ended up leaving our home to be close to family who could help care for our son while I tried to work in a traditional 9 to 5 job. As Logan’s seizures progressed and a diagnosis of Dravet Syndrome was discovered my wife and I concluded that one of us had to be home full-time. Being a stay at home dad to a special needs kid is no walk in the park. Collecting hostas was a way for me to practice self-care while dealing with the stressors of caring for my son.

I started out buying multiple division plants, splitting them, and selling single divisions to pay for the one division I kept. It was an economical way for me to grow my collection. What became an affordable way to collect hostas has turned into a true business. I was one of the first selling on the Facebook market I now grow over 1,300 different varieties, with lots of Lakeside, Foxfire, Striptease sports, Originator Stock, named streakers, and as many fragrant hostas, I can get my hands on. All on a little less than a quarter of an acre. My goal is to be the first stop for the avid collector.

I run this business entirely on my own, with the support of my wife. I treat every order as if I were shipping it to myself. I take pride in sending large, well-rooted, multiple division plants. I hope you enjoy shopping my site and are pleased with the plants you receive.